Statistics for International Business (2018)




The course provides some basic information about statistical inference. We focus on both mathematical and descriptive statistics that help the manager in decision making. Throughout the course we do not avoid theory, but applied statistics is our primary objective.


Mathematics, microeconomics, macroeconomics.


Kabacoff, R. I. (2011), R in Action. Data Analysis and Graphics with R, Manning

David R. Anderson, Dennis J. Sweeney, and Thomas A. Williams (2007), Statistics for Business and Economics, West Publishing Company, Minneapolis/St. Paul, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco.


download R

download RStudio

download for Windows useres
download for Mac useres

R Hints

Please download all R-scripts and csv data files to the same catalogue.

Presentation: introduction to R
download file

R Script: importing data to R
download file

R Script: basic operations
download file

R Script: data operations and visualisations
download file

R Script: multidimensional graphs in R Plotly
download file

Assessment and Student Evaluation

Research Project (40%):

You are going to prepare, present, and defend a written research project based on the procedures presented throughout the course. To improve your team work ability the projects as well as the homework assignments should be prepared in groups (max. of 4 persons).

Homework Assignments (10%):

Homework assignments should be submitted as an e-mail attachment (preferably in .pdf, .pptx or .docx format). The deadline for submition expires every Wednesday 10 p.m. prior to the next class. Homework assignment should be prepared in groups (see Research Project).

Midterm Examinations (20%):

1. Week 5 – Descriptive statistics, histogram, ogive;
2. Week 8 – Probability, probability distributions, conditional probability;
3. Week 15 – Hypothesis testing, correlation;

Final Examination (30%):

There will be a writen examination at the end of the course.

Grading Scale

Lecture and Laboratories:

A (5) 85-100 %
B (4+) 80-84 %
C (4) 70-79 %
D (3+) 60-69 %
E (3) 51-59 %
F (2) below 50 %
(Polish equivalent in parentheses)

Course Outline

Block 1.: Introduction. Measures of Location

Activity: Statistics: measures of location; Data Mining: data preparation, helpful tricks in Excel, filtering; Programming in R-Language: introduction to R, R packages, importing data, basic operations;

Data and Exercises: [1] State visits undertaken by Her Majesty The Queen, [2] Washington Redskins pay-roll, [3] electrical industry and market share
download file

Handout in pdf-format:
download file

Presentation: Statistics: Measures of Location
download file

Presentation: introduction to R
download file

R Script: Her Majesty the Queen
download file

R Script: descriptive stats, zoo-object, Plotly graph
download file

R Script: average vs. median
download file

Data: State visits undertaken by Her Majesty The Queen
download file

Exercise: Bribary in 19. Century London
download file

Week 3.: Measures of Dispersion

Activity: histogram, variance, standard deviation, volatility, outliers

Presentation: Statistics: Measures of Dispersion
download file

Handout in pdf-format:
download file

Data: The curious case of used Audi Q5
download file

R Script: 3V: Variance, Variability, and Volatility
download file

Week 3.: Measures of Skewness and Kurtosis

Activity: histogram, skewness, kurtosis

Presentation: Statistics: Measures of Skewness and Kurtosis
download file

Handout in pdf-format:
download file

Data: The curious case of American inflation
download file

R Script: Skewness and Kurtosis
download file